Persons interested in participating the MSS-09 Conference should send
applications before April 25, 2009 to IOC to one of the following e-mail
addresses :
    Apllications should be sent in the form of a plain text file (file.txt) or
a MS-Word document (file.doc) and should contain the following information:
Preliminary title of the talk
A short abstract (not more then 250 words in English or Russian)
The type of presentation (oral, poster)
The scientific program section at which the talk will be presented
Name and surname
Affiliation (institute, company, university ... )
Postal address
Phone and fax numbers
E-mail address for further communications
    The organizers plan to issue the Conference Proceedings. The volume of a paper should not exceed 6 pages.
The detailed preparation instructions the full volume papers submitting and their publication will be sent later.
    The visas info and hotel accommodation one will be submitted later.