ASPI experiment:
Measurements of fields and waves onboard
the INTERBALL-TAIL mission.
Results of the first three months of operation
PI and Co-I list:
Klimov,S., S.Romanov, E.Amata, J.Blecki, J.Buechner, J.Juchniewicz,
J.Rustenbach, P.Triska, L.J.C.Woolliscroft, S.Savin, Yu.Afanas'ev, Angelis, U.Auster, G.Bellucci, A.Best, F.Farnik, V.Formisano,
P.Gough, R.Grard, G.Haerendel, V.Korepanov, H.Lehmann,
B.Nikutowski, M.Nozdrachev, S.Orsini, M.Parrot, A.Petrukovich,
J.L.Rauch, K.Sauer, A.Skalsky, J.Slominski, J.G.Trotignon, J.Vojta,
Participating Institutions:
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Interplanetary Space Physics Institute, CNR, Frascati, Italy
Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Max-Plank-Institute of Extraterrestrial Physics, Aussenstelle Berlin,
Institute of Physics of Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Praha, Czechia
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering,
Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK
Institute of Metrology, St.Peterburg, Russia
Sussex Space Centre, Falmer, UK
Space Science Department, ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Special Design Division, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Ukraine
Institute for Space Sensors, DLR, Berlin, Germany
Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Environment,
CNRS, Orleans, France
University of Naples, Naples, Italy
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic,
Praha, Czechia
Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische Physik, Garshing, Germany
Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Aussenstelle Observatorium Niemegk, Germany
Magnetic and electric fields and plasma waves are generally
thought to play a significant role in various processes. At the
dayside magnetopause these include the transfer of energy from the
solar wind bulk particle flow into the magnetosphere, the
anomalous resistivity formation in reconnection regions etc.
Plasma waves are a very sensitive indicator of a lack of thermal
equilibrium in the space plasmas. Features of the particle
distribution function which may be of a small amplitude, localized
in phase space or have a short lifetime, can produce strong plasma
waves. A simple example of this is a turbulence, produced by
electron beams at the bow shock. These beams are rarely identified
in the particle data. The limit of temporal resolution of plasma
waves is essentially the inverse of the frequency of that wave.
Suitable receivers and onboard data processing systems can make
measurements with a few millisecond resolution. This is two or
three orders of magnitude higher resolution than one of typical
plasma particle instruments what is important for the study of
boundary crossings and structures [Alleyne et al., 1990].
Wave measurements performed onboard spacecraft Prognoz-8 and
-10, Vega-1 and -2, Phobos-2 showed the nesessity of detailed
measurements in the range of low hybrid frequency.
The scientific instruments flown onboard these spacecraft were
built in the cooperation of research groups from Czech Republic,
ESA\ESTEC, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. The wave instruments
included hihgly sensitive sensors for measurements of fluctuations
of the plasma flow, current density, electric and magnetic fields,
spacecraft potential, density and temperature of the plasma and
multi-channell frequency analyzers [Klimov et al., 1985, 1986;
Grard et al., 1989; Klimov 1992].
First three months of ASPI instruments [Klimov et al., 1995]
operation in orbit were used mainly for estimates of stability of
measured parameters and effective sensitivity.
To provide high sensitivity of the electric field, magnetic
field and plasma currents measurements a special program of
magnetic, electric cleanliness and electromagnetic compatibility
measures was implemented basing on the experience of the previous
experiments[Turin et al., 1992, 1993; Klimov et al., 1993]. Unique
configuration of the spacecraft with the spin axis pointing to the
Sun ensures identical shadowing of electric field sensors.
Characteristics of the operating ASPI sensors and their
location are in the Table below and Fig.1:
Instrument / sensor | Parameter | Frequency range | Measurement range / discretization |
Magnetic field measurements |
MIF-M/BPP | DC vector | 0-2 Hz | 300/0.29 nT |
AC vector | 2-25 Hz | 30/0.005 nT |
MIF-M/BPP | AC 1 component | 1-40000 Hz | 0.0004 nT at 100 Hz(*) |
FGM-I/DM1-3 | DC vector | 0-35 Hz | 128/1 nT |
Electric field measurements |
OPERA/BD1-6 | DC vector | 0-3 Hz | 115/0.9 mV/m (Ey) |
570/5 mV/m (Ex,Ez) |
OPERA/BD1-6 | AC vector | 0.1-25 Hz | 115/0.9 mV/m |
Plasma current measurements |
FGM-I/DM1-3 | AC 1 component | 0.1-40000 Hz | 10^-15 A/cm2/sqrt(Hz)(*) |
BD-7/C2-X | AC 2 component | 0.1-40000 Hz | 10^-15 A/cm2/sqrt(Hz)(*) |
(*) - sensitivity
Table 1.
ASPI (PI S.Klimov) measurements at the magnetopause outbound
crossing, August 26, 1995, Fig.2 (100 kB image!!).
Magnetic field colour spectrogram (MIF-M, PI: S.Romanov) in 0.5-32
Hz band (bottom panel) displays strong ULF/ELF turbulence in the
magnetosheath (right side) with the intensity and frequency span
Electric field colour spectrogram (OPERA, PI-E.Amata,
CoPI-S.Savin) in 0.5-32 Hz band (top panel) shows:
(a) wave bursts at the magnetopause and in the magnetosheath
(b) electrostatic ELF emission inside magnetosphere (left side).
Colour bar at the bottom panel right side shows the color
coding of logarithmic wave amplitude.
Measurements by three-axial fluxgate magnetometers in the
MIF-M and FGM-I instruments of ASPI combined with ones from two
fluxgates of FM-3I [Nozdrachev et al., 1995] provide a unique
possibility to estimate and monitor DC magnetic interferences from
the spacecraft during all flight. Example of the data from MIF-M
magnetometer at the same bow shock crossing as FM-3I example is in
Also available some additional examples obtained with the MIF-M instrument of ASPI wave complex.
Alleyne,H.St.C., M.A.Balikhin, S.I.Klimov, V.V.Krasnosel'skikh,
S.N.Walker, L.J.C.Woolliscroft. Plasma wave measurements on
the dayside - scale sizes and observational requirements.
Proceedings of an International Workshop on Space Plasma
Physics Investigations by Cluster and Regatta, Graz,
Austria, 20-22 Febr., 1990, ESA SP-306, p.69-74, 1990.
Grard,R., A.Pedersen, S.Klimov, S.Savin, A.Skalsky,
J.G.Trotignon, C.Kennel, First measurements of plasma waves
near Mars. Nature, v.341, No.6243, p.607-609, 1989.
Klimov,S.I. Energetics of ULF/ELF plasma waves in the solar wind
and outer Earth's magnetosphere. 26th ESLAB Symposium Study
of the Solar-Terrestrial System, ESA SP-346, pp.95-100, 1992.
Klimov,S., M.Nozdrachev, S.Savin, P.Triska, O.Vaisberg, J.Vojta.
The BUD wave experiment onboard the Prognoz-8 satellite.
INTERSHOCK project, ed. by S.Fischer, Publications of the
Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovak Academy of Science,
Prague, No.60, p.143-158, 1985.
Klimov,S.I., M.N.Nozdrachev, P.Triska, J.Vojta, A.A.Galeev,
Yu.V.Afanasjev,V.E.Baskakov, Yu.N.Bobkov, P.B.Dunetz,
A.M.Zhdanov, V.Korepanov, S.A.Romanov, S.P.Savin,
A.Yu.Sokolov. The plasma wave investigations with using the
complex of the combined wave diagnostic BUDVAR
(Prognoz-10-Interkosmos). Kosmich. Issl., v.24, No.2,
p.177-184, 1986.
Klimov,S.I., Yu.V.Lisakov, A.A.Skalsky, D.Klinge, S.P.Savin,
H.-U.Auster, J.Juchniewicz, A.B.Izmaylov. In-flight
monitoring of the electromagnetic conditions on Phobos-1 and
-2 spacecraft with the PWS and FGMM instruments. Proceedings
of the 3rd ESA European Workshop on electromagnetic
compatibility and computational electromagnetics, Pisa,
(Italy), 26-28 October, p.127-134, 1993.
Klimov,S., S.Romanov, E.Amata, J.Blecki, J.Buechner, J.Juchniewicz,
J.Rustenbach, P.Triska, L.J.C.Woolliscroft, S,Savin,
Yu,Afanas'ev, Angelis, U.Auster, G.Bellucci, A.Best,
F.Farnik, V.Formisano, P.Gough, R.Grard, G.Haerendel,
V.Korepanov, H.Lehmann, B.Nikutowski, M.Nozdrachev, S.Orsini,
M.Parrot, A.Petrukovich, J.L.Rauch, K.Sauer, A.Skalsky,
J.Slominski, J.G.trotignon, J.Vojta and R.Wronowski. ASPI
experiment: Measurements of fields and waves onboard the
INTERBALL-TAIL mission. INTERBALL. Mission and Payload,
CNES-IKI-RSA, p.120-152, 1995.
Nozdrachev,M.N., V.A.Styazhkin, A.A.Zarutsky, S.I.Klimov,
S.P.Savin, A.A.Skalsky, A.A.Petrukovich, Yu.V.Lissakov,
I.S.Arshinkov, N.Abadgiev, A.Bochev. Magnetic field
measurements onboard the INTERBALL TAIL spacecraft: the
FM-3I instrument. INTERBALL. Mission and Payload,
CNES-IKI-RSA, p.228-229, 1995.
Turin,L.S., S.I.Klimov, Yu.V.Lisakov, A.B.Izmailov, V.l.Shirokov.
Aspecs of equipment EMC in the international space projects.
Proceeding of International Wroclaw Symposium on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC 92, pp.353-356, 1992.
Turin,L.S., E.A.Mikhailova, S.I.Klimov, Y.V.Lissakov,
A.B.Izmailov, R.Marrama. Simulation of electromagnetic
environments on board the MARS-94 spacecraft. Proceedings of
the 3rd ESA European Workshop on electromagnetic
compatibility and computational electromagnetics, Pisa,
(Italy), 26-28 October, p.90-92, 1993.

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