- affiliation
- since 1990 Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
   positions: engineer, scientist, senior scientist
   head of energetic particle and space weather lab (since 2004)
   head of space plasma physics department (since 2010)
   director (since 2018)
- scientific degrees
- diploma (equiv. to Ms.D.) physics and computational mathematics (1990)
   Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
- cand. sci. (equiv. to Ph.D.) solar-terrestrial physics (1994) Space Res. Inst.
- doctor sci. (2003) Space Res. Inst.
- corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences (2011)
- awards
- COSPAR/Russian Academy of Sciences Zeldovich medal (2002)
- research experience
- collisionless current sheets
- magnetotail configuration and magnetospheric substorms
- solar-terrestrial relations, space weather
- plasma waves and turbulence
- solar wind and shock structure
- electric sensors in space plasmas
- data analysis techniques
- space weather forecast techniques
- committees
- expert council on physics (Higher attestation commission), vice-chair
- space council (Russian academy of sciences), head of solar-terrestrial section
- solar-terrestrial council (Russian academy of sciences), head of magnetospheric section
- scientific and technical advisory council (ISS science) (Russian Space Agency & Russian academy of sciences), head of solar system section
- scientific and technical counsil of TSNIIMash, member
- scientific and technical counsil of RosHydroMet, section on spacecraft, member
- scientific and technical counsil of RosCosmos, section on automatic spacecraft, member
- International Living with a Star, russian representative
- journal Cosmic Research, Editor-in-Chief
- journal Rocket-Space Device Engineering and Information Systems, member of editorial board
- journal "Journal Geophysical Research. Space Physics", associate editor 2012-2014
- project experience
- data analysis: Prognoz-8,10, Phobos, Interball-1,2, Geotail, Cluster, THEMIS, Spectr-R
- instruments:
- Interball-1 (1995-2000)
- Spectr-R (MEP, 2011-2019)
- Resonance (DOK-M, REM, 2025)
- Luna-Resurs (ASPECT-L, 2024)
- publications (as of 2019)
- 17 outreach papers
- 150+ refereed papers
- 40+ non-refereed conference proceedings
- 300+ conference abstracts