List of INTERBALL-TAIL Key Parameters

This is the short list of INTERBALL-TAIL KP. Full description is also available.

INTERBALL-TAIL GSE and GSM cartesian coordinates, GSE cartesian velocity (2 min).
Polar Cap index from Thule (5 min) and Vostok (15 min) stations.
DOK-2 and SKA-2: Electron fluxes in 21-26, 76-95, 150-500 keV energy ranges, proton fluxes in 22-28, 1000-3000 keV energy ranges and status flags (2 min).
ELECTRON: Electron density, mean energy in the range 0.01-30 keV and status flag (2 min).
MIF-M/PRAM: GSM and GSE magnetic field vector, amplitudes of magnetic fluctuations in 1-4 and 600-850 Hz ranges (2 min). In case of attitude data delay Y and Z vector components are not included.
PROMICS: Counts of H+ and O+ ions, 1.0-30 keV, three directions and status flag (1 spin).
AKR: Radiointensity flux in the ranges 100, 252, 500 kHz (2 min).
CORALL: Ion density, GSE and GSM velocity vector and temperature 0.025-25 keV (1 spin). In case of attitude data delay Y and Z vector components are not included.
VDP: Antisunward ion flux (2 min).
MIF-M/PRAM: Spectral amplitudes of magnetic and/or plasma current fluctuations from 1 Hz to 2000 Hz (7 points), mean and variance of the magnetic field in 2-min interval (2 min).

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