Usage example:
IDL routine to plot "itc" files with the CORALL (ion moments) data: itcview, 'itc52411.dat' or itcview, 'KP/INTERBALL/itc52411.dat' where 'itc52411.dat' - input file. This should be original ASCII file from KP archive with original filename. It is possible to add pathname to it, e.g., 'KP/INTERBALL/itc52411.dat'Routines are written for the use in UNIX system. To use in MS Windows, change device name in the call of the "set_plot" from "X" to "WIN"
Routines plot data on a screen and ask for the confirmation to make a PS file. Postscript file will be in the directory of data file.
Routines are optimized for PS output, so plots on a screen look somewhat ugly (not all strings are readable).